„Climate Change is not a Fashion Trend”

Environment protection and sustainable development are the focus of the research of Prof. Dr Nguyen Huu Ninh from Vietnam, who has won the Nobel Peace Prize as a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2007 and became an honorary doctor of the University of Pécs in 2009. Upon the invitation of Rector Prof. Dr Attila Miseta, he visited Pécs with a delegation of seven distinguished members on 24 October in the Rector’s Cabinet.

07 November 2019


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The visit of the Nobel Peace Prize winner honoris causa doctor of UP can be a great way to continue the connection with our institution, reaching back to more than a decade, which would be beneficial for both parties. Attila Miseta greeted the guests and in his welcome speech, he summarized the last ten years of the University of Pécs. Dr Nguyen Huu Ninh greeted the management of the university in Hungarian since had studied and lived in Hungary for 12 years, he speaks this unique language quite well.

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The interview with the professor will available be soon, in which Dr Nguyen talks about his research on climate change. He emphasized that we have to react to climate change, climate crisis now, because it not just a fashion trend, but the harsh reality. “We have to share the results of research at universities, we have to educate people about a sustainable way of life. Who does not do this, will suffer” – expressed the honorary doctor. He suggests worldwide cooperation, and he is optimistic about the implementation.

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