The Alumni Network Hungary has a small but enthusiastic volunteer group from 28 countries, with whom we create more and more opportunities for future cooperation. The renewed International Alumni Volunteer Program was launched in the summer of 2021 and during autumn 40 active alumni members were selected to help build up the network globally. Read more about them and get inspired!
The international Alumni Volunteer program dates back to 2016, the start of the Alumni Network Hungary, when volunteers occasionally helped at various local education fairs, promoted the network, and mentored new students. Between 2016-2019, more than 90 volunteers participated in the first phase of the program, where they carried out various activities, mostly individually.
From 2019 till 2021 the network expanded, which required a community of volunteers instead of individuals, so we organized the work in a systematic framework and focused on teamwork. In the summer of 2021, we have launched the renewed International Alumni Volunteer Program for the next two years to mobilize the global alumni community.

Currently, we have 40 volunteers from various countries such as Canada, Columbia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, India, Yemen, and South Africa. They studied at 13 different Hungarian universities in 36 fields such as engineering, economist, social sciences, IT, and international relations. Most of them graduated (or are in the process of graduating) with a master’s or Ph.D. degree between 2018 and 2021. The diversity of our volunteer group is reflected in 22 languages, most of them speak at least 2 languages.
“I learned from my previous education that it is crucial to building new connections however it is more important to maintain the relationships that we already have. By joining this program, I hope I can meet new people from various backgrounds and countries, and at the same time maintain the relationship with them.” (Muhammad Zainur Rifa’I from Indonesia)
The International Alumni Volunteer Program offers two main strands with 10 different activities:
One of them is the promotion of the Alumni Network Hungary, the Stipendium Hungaricum Program, and the Hungarian higher education in general, and the other is the facilitation of the alumni activities in different alumni chapters, especially the Stipendium Hungaricum alumni.

We have begun 2022 with an introduction season, where volunteers will gain skills that are necessary for their work in the mobilization of the network. As part of the program, they will create alumni portraits and news on various social media platforms and conduct interviews with the senior alumni members of the Alumni Network Hungary.
“I enjoy learning about other cultures and helping others. That is why I participated in the program, and I hope to learn a lot from the experience of my colleagues and I also want to contribute to the network’s success with my skills.” (Valery Serrano from Colombia)
They will also take part in the promotion of Hungarian higher education by sharing their experiences during their studies in Hungary in the form of blogs or vlogs. “The Alumni Network Hungary is an amazing initiative to connect with people from different cultures and to build a safe platform to explore what Hungary offers in terms of education, culture, and much more. I am extremely excited to start this journey, learn and teach, and share my experience with you.” (Laadioui Zineb from Morocco)
The volunteers will occasionally participate in various online educational and scholarship fairs or Tempus Public Foundation events.
“I hope this network will strengthen the bond between alumni within and across countries and different professional fields and will foster cooperation, as well as friendship between Hungarian and international alumni. Hungary has been a dear second home to me and I intend to cherish the bond for a lifetime!” (Berkay Senkalfa from Turkey)

They will build and facilitate small local or professional alumni groups in their country of residence, cooperate with Hungarian partners and mentor new alumni members. We are glad that some senior alumni who studied in 1980-90 in Hungary also joined our program.
“I fully understand that today’s skills- and knowledge-based economy requires highly qualified leaders who can address 21st-century challenges. I joined the International Alumni Volunteer Program to mentor and support the next generation of leaders who care about the quality of all kinds of life on the planet!” (Dr. Farzad Rayegani from Iran/Canada)
“I understand the importance of involving women in scientific research, and therefore I am passionate about being a role model to the girls to study STEM subjects to be involved in the Technical, Engineering and Scientific innovations.” (Dr. Lillian Ouloch from Kenya)
Follow the news and join their emerging alumni small groups during this year or follow them and subscribe to their channel or blog! If you are not our member yet, register HERE and keep in touch with the alumni all around the world who studied in the heart of Europe, Hungary!