Summer school? Come to Hungary!

It’s only spring now, but it’s time to plan your summer already! The summer at Hungarian universities will be full of life: join one of the universities’ Hungarian language summer schools and have a great summer in Hungary!

18 April 2019

Summer schools in Hungary

Eötvös Loránd University

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) organizes the 25th Summer University of Hungarian Language and Culture between 29 July-23 August 2019 in Budapest.

This four-week course offers an intensive Hungarian language course – all levels from complete beginner (A1) to proficiency levels (C2) –, a lecture series about Hungary’s culture and various social activities around Budapest.

Application deadline: 10 May 2019.

For more information visit the Eötvös Loránd University's website.


University of Debrecen

You could choose three different courses at University of Debrecen, with different length and starting dates:

  • 21 July–17 August 2019 120 class units 12 ECTS credits
  • 21 July–3 August 2019 60 class units 6 ECTS credits
  • 4–17 August 2019 60 class units, 6 ECTS credits

Be a beginner or at the level of a native speaker of Hungarian, you will find the perfect match.

Application deadline: 30 June 2019.

Would you like to know more about the programmes? Visit University of Debrecen's website


University of Pécs

Join the 20th Hungarian Language and Culture Summer University in Pécs for a two-week-long and a four-week-long course between 21 July – 18 August. The University of Pécs offers an interesting, effective and playful way of learning Hungarian: you could not just learn the language but receive up-to-date information about Hungarian culture, cuisine, traditions and much more in small multicultural groups.

Application deadline: 1 July 2019.

For detailed information visit the University of Pécs's website


University of Szeged

If you would like to begin or brush up on your Hungarian knowledge in a vibramt international community, spend a few summer weeks in a lovely college town and enjoy your new multicultural friends and dynamic surroundings. The University of Szeged offers you a two-week-long and a four-week-long training between 14 July – 10 August with a special focus on current Hungarian culture and language use.

Application deadline: 15 May for those who need a visa and 30 June for those who do not need a visa.

All the useful information is available at the University of Szeged's website.


If you like the idea of having the best summer of your life in Hungary with your new international friends make sure to apply any of the summer schools above.

Related Institution

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)

Egyetem tér 1-3. Budapest,Hungary 1053

number of alumni
Language of instructions
Arts And Humanities
Computer Science and Information Technology
Economic Science
Legal Science
Natural Science
Social Science
Sport Science
Teacher Training

University of Debrecen

Egyetem tér 1. Debrecen,Hungary 4032

number of alumni
Language of instructions
Agricultural Science
Arts and Art Education
Arts And Humanities
Computer Science and Information Technology
Economic Science
Engineering Science
Legal Science
Medical and Health Science
Natural Science

University of Pécs

Vasvári Pál u. 4. Pécs,Hungary 7622

number of alumni
Language of instructions
Arts and Art Education
Arts And Humanities
Computer Science and Information Technology
Economic Science
Engineering Science
Legal Science
Medical and Health Science
Natural Science
Social Science
Teacher Training

University of Szeged

Dugonics tér 13. Szeged,Hungary 3720

number of alumni
Language of instructions
Agricultural Science
Arts and Art Education
Arts And Humanities
Computer Science and Information Technology
Economic Science
Engineering Science
Legal Science
Medical and Health Science
Natural Science
Social Science
Teacher Training