University of Theatre and Film Arts Alumni from this institution MK Md Nuruzzaman Khan JU Jamil Ur Rehman Alvi OM Obaid Mustafa AW Aman Wadhan 4 Contact person
University of Debrecen Alumni from this institution AS Ayaz Mukarram Shaikh AO Amaechi Odono KA Kieriboyegha Appi AO Adewale Oseni BW Benjamin Woode IK Immanuel Kambinda 2,379 Contact person
University of Szeged Alumni from this institution AB Amer Batshone NS Nadir Salmanov NB Nazrin Bakirova TS Tímea Schwimmer-Tóth BK Brigitta Korsós BA Boumediene Abdelbari 566 Contact person
University of Sopron Alumni from this institution GA Gelana Urgesa Ayana CT Chenar Tahir XS Xaysawath Senenhakone OK Osama Khlaifat MD Mónica Díez EO Emmanuel Okonjo 63 Contact person
University of Pécs Alumni from this institution RK Rashid Kassana BK Bohdana Kokhanyuk YU YELDA ULUG AK Amir Khamis MA Modar Ali TB Theresa Baidoo 1,029 Contact person
University of Nyíregyháza Alumni from this institution ES Eszter Schmidt JF Jozsef Fedor AD Ameni Derbel OS Osvaldo Simão UZ Ulan Zhaparov JM JAMES JOHN MBOMA 14 Contact person
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Alumni from this institution IN Iqraa Nadeem og oscar gil CO Chun Yiu Or RL RUN LIU HT Henrique Touzet CM Cassiano Moraes 13 Contact person
Hungarian University of Fine Arts Alumni from this institution TN TRA NGUYEN he hmad elboubakri ZF Zahra Fuladvand CB Clarissa Butelli TN Tra Nguyen ZF Zachary Fabri 21 Contact person