It is a platform created by Hungarian alumni to share information about Hungary in Pakistan. Alumni Hungary Pakistan is a group of Pakistani students who have successfully completed their respective phases of education in Hungary. The network tends to provide a platform for all the Pakistani students who want to keep their connection to Hungary. The purpose of this network is to share information related to opportunities for Pakistani youth in Hungary and vice versa. Also, our aim is to provide a common place to talk about our time in Hungary.
- BH Blawal Hussain
- TI Tahir Iqbal
- SI Shafaqat Iqbal
- MA Maria Abbasi
- SA Syed Ali
- MI Muhammad Iqbal
- FH Faisal Hussain
- FK Faisal Abbas Khan
- AA Akhlaq Ahmad
- AA Asif Aziz Arbab
- ST Sohaib Tariq
- RA Rizwana Ayub
- IN Iqraa Nadeem
- AS Ali Shair
- MR Muhammad Ramay
- MS Muhammad Saeed
- MN Muhammad Zahid Nazir
- GA Ghulam Abbas
- ZK Zuleika Kaleh
- WM Waqar Muhammad
- SA Saad Ahmed
- IS Iqra Shafqat
- MN Muhammad Umair Naseem
- TZ Talha Yaseen Zafar
- BI Bishama Irfan
- MK Mohammad Khan
- AS Abbas Syed Ali
- FA Faizan Ahmad
- UA Usman Ali
- MF Muttahar Farooq
- MK Muhammad Khan
- MS Muhammad Soban
- ah amany hassan
- SS Sagar Sagar
- HS Hassan Zia Uddin Shah
- MA Muzaffar Ali
- SQ Shahroz Qasim
- LU Latif Ullah
- JD Jamshaid Daniel Daniel
- NU Noor Ul Ain
42 members
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