Hungarian Language Summer Schools in Hungary

Do you want to start to study the Hungarian language in a native environment or improve your Hungarian knowledge? Are you a fan of the Hungarian culture or just missing your Hungarian friends? 
This summer there will be Hungarian language summer schools in four cities around Hungary. Budapest, Debrecen, Pécs and Szeged are waiting for you!

02 May 2018


You will be surrounded by a wealth of opportunity, the chance to absorb new influences, meet like-minded people from around the world and immerse yourself in Hungarian language.

Eötvös Loránd University

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) organizes the 24th Summer University of Hungarian Language and Culture between 30 July-24 August 2018 in Budapest.
The summer course is led by the renowned Department for Hungarian Language. The courses cover all levels from complete beginner (A1) to proficiency levels (C2) described by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Application deadline: 31 May 2018 (for those who need visa to travel to Hungary) and 15 July 2018 (for those applicants who do not need to apply for a visa to travel to Hungary).

For more information:


University of Debrecen

You could choose among three different courses at University of Debrecen, they offer two different length and three different start dates.
The possibilities are followings: 15-28 July 2018, 29 July – 11 August 2018, 15 July – 11 August 2018.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or you are at a level of proficiency. They offer special groups for heritage speakers of Hungarian. With these courses, you could earn ECTS credit points as well.

Application deadline: 30 June 2018.

For more information:

University of Pécs

In Pécs, you could choose between a two-week-long and a four-week-long course: 22 July – 5 August 2018 or 22 July – 19 August. The University of Pécs offers a very interesting, effective and playful way of learning Hungarian.
Learn not only the language but also receive up-to-date information about Hungarian culture, cuisine, traditions and much more in small multicultural groups. You will receive ECTS credit points with the fulfilment of the course.

Application deadline: 15 June 2018.

For more information: 


University of Szeged

If you would like to begin or brush up on your Hungarian in a lively international community, spend a few summer weeks in a lovely college town and enjoy multicultural friends and dynamic surroundings.
The University of Szeged offers also summer schools in two different lengths: you could apply for a two-week-long training: 15-29 July 2018 or 29 July – 11 August 2018; or a four-week-long: 15 July – 11 August.

Application deadline: 15 May (for those who need a visa) and 30 June (for those who do not need a visa)

For more information: 


Do not hesitate! Choose an amazing Hungarian language summer school and join a community of wonderful people from around the world!

Related Institution

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)

Egyetem tér 1-3. Budapest,Hungary 1053

number of alumni
Language of instructions
Arts And Humanities
Computer Science and Information Technology
Economic Science
Legal Science
Natural Science
Social Science
Sport Science
Teacher Training

University of Debrecen

Egyetem tér 1. Debrecen,Hungary 4032

number of alumni
Language of instructions
Agricultural Science
Arts and Art Education
Arts And Humanities
Computer Science and Information Technology
Economic Science
Engineering Science
Legal Science
Medical and Health Science
Natural Science

University of Pécs

Vasvári Pál u. 4. Pécs,Hungary 7622

number of alumni
Language of instructions
Arts and Art Education
Arts And Humanities
Computer Science and Information Technology
Economic Science
Engineering Science
Legal Science
Medical and Health Science
Natural Science
Social Science
Teacher Training

University of Szeged

Dugonics tér 13. Szeged,Hungary 3720

number of alumni
Language of instructions
Agricultural Science
Arts and Art Education
Arts And Humanities
Computer Science and Information Technology
Economic Science
Engineering Science
Legal Science
Medical and Health Science
Natural Science
Social Science
Teacher Training