Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) - in terms of student and staff number, quality of education and research, and its international relations - is a prestigious institution of public higher education in Hungary, operating continuously since its inception in 1635.


Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)—in terms of student and staff number, quality of education and research, and its international relations—is the most prestigious public higher education institution in Hungary, operating continuously since 1635. 

As top-ranked research university in Hungary, it is the most popular university among Hungarian applicants as well as alma mater of five Nobel laureates and leading figures in technology, public policy, and culture in Hungary.

Currently, 35,000 students study at nine faculties, with about 4,500 international students from over 100 countries.  Wide-ranging student services and active student associations welcome international students in the vibrant city of Budapest.

Through its international relations all over the world (956 partner universities and 10 strategic alliences and university networks), ELTE is the only HEI representing Hungarian higher education in many regions and alliances. These partnerships offer a large number of possibilities for mobility and international collaborations to students, academic and non-academic staff at ELTE. 

ELTE is Hungary’s largest scientific establishment with 17 doctoral schools and 128 doctoral programs, covering a wide spectrum of research projects. Research at ELTE means international collaborations, interdisciplinary approaches, modern laboratory infrastructure, and innovation. Our researchers run cutting-edge projects funded by the European Union and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Budapest, the capital of Hungary is the most popular tourist destination in the country. If you stay in Budapest, the whole Europe is easily reachable by plane from the airport. With its vibrant cultural life, Budapest is an exciting mix of tradition, culture and entertainment for young people. It is a popular destination for students also because the city offers safe and green environment and affordable costs of living. The university buildings of ELTE are located in the city center and on the river bank of the Danube and they are easily accessible by bike or public transport.

Types of training for international students: preparatory, BA/BSc, MA/MSc, LL.M., PhD, summer courses


  • Bárczi Gusztáv Special Needs Education
  • Economics
  • Education and Psychology
  • Humanities
  • Informatics
  • Law
  • Primary and Pre-School Education
  • Science
  • Social Sciences

Doctoral Schools for international students: Biology, Earth Sciences, Education, Environmental Sciences, History, Informatics, Linguistics, Literary Studies, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, Hevesy György PhD School of Chemistry

Courses are offered in Hungarian, English, German at ELTE. The Faculty of Humanities offers courses about 70 languages and cultures.

For degree-seeking international students, degree programs are offered in English, no Hungarian is required: www.elte.hu/en/find-degree-program 


Why should I study at Eötvös Loránd University?

Studying at ELTE means high quality education at the leading research university in Hungary. ELTE has the highest number of members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences which provides a truly academic atmosphere. Active student communities also ensure that you find your friends and place at the university and in Budapest.


Student Services

ELTE provides wide-ranging services and active student communities for all students.

Orientation Week 


The Orientation Week is organized for international students at ELTE at the beginning of each semester. The program is designed to introduce you to the University, staff, and organizations you will have contact with during your stay at ELTE in Budapest. It also provides information and advice that will assist you in adjusting to the learning environment of the University and to living in Budapest.

Mentor systems 


Mentor systems at ELTE are here so that you won’t feel all alone: besides organizing social activities, they provide help through mentoring. Mentors are enthusiastic, open-minded and helpful ELTE students. They help incoming international students with everyday problems and they guide international students through their international experience during their stay at ELTE in Budapest. 

Quaestura Office of Student Services


Quaestura Office gives you a helping hand during the administration procedure after your arrival at ELTE (e.g., student ID, health insurance, tax card, residence permit, Neptun login).



The Dormitory Centre offers hundreds of high quality and affordable places and strong community in the ELTE dormitories. Housing Office helps you with finding a place in the private market via trustable real estate agent partners of ELTE.

University library network 


The extended university library network at ELTE assists students at each faculty in their studies and research. 

Hungarian language course 


Hungarian language and culture courses are offered from beginner to proficiency levels during the academic year. If you want to practise also in the summer, apply for the summer university. 

Summer courses 


Summer and winter programs at ELTE are good occasions to visit the university and meet students and teachers on campus.

Career counseling


ELTE Career Centre helps ELTE students plan their career in a conscious way and helps them prepare for their professional career after graduation.

Life management counseling


During your time at the university, you may experience personal and emotional issues that impact on your academic work and university life. The counseling services at ELTE offer a free and confidential support to students to help them develop ways of overcoming difficulties.

Students with disabilities 


Disability coordinators at each faculty assist students with disabilities so that they can participate fully in university life.

Pastoral services


ELTE students have access to the pastoral services of Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPCU).

Sport facilities 


Select from over 40 kinds of sports and do sports for credit at ELTE. Or just simply join any of the sports activities (courses, teams, mass sports events, championships) organized at ELTE during the academic year.

Cultural and social programs organized by student organizations 


Beyond the classroom, you have opportunities to engage in various extracurricular activities, join student organizations, and participate in cultural events that reflect the rich tapestry of life at ELTE in Budapest.

ELTE „Eötvös” Art Ensemble 


Eötvös Art Ensemble, consisting of the university choir, the university orchestra, and the university folk dance group, invites both Hungarian and international students to join their community.



International Office

Rector’s Cabinet

Eötvös Loránd University

H-1056 Budapest, Szerb utca 21-23

Web: www.elte.hu/en

Email: iro@elte.hu 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elteinternational/ 

Alumni Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094332537018 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elteinternational/ 

Alumni Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elte.international.alumni/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ELTEfilm 

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elteinternational 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/school/eotvos-lorand-university-budapest/ 

Podcast: https://www.elte.hu/en/podcasts 

TEL: +36 1 411 6543



Discover the degree programs for international students: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm3AdVwMMCqwMZNjhl_lJ7kfLDITMuBgl&si=L7GGjWutKGS9uEBS

ELTE Walk podcast: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm3AdVwMMCqyrSP5SICzg-rJ5pw6GOqg5

Campus tours: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm3AdVwMMCqzFH7ggFznQJb6aVhuvlT1d&si=72v1uriwRcxQ2L_S

10 years of Stipendium Hungaricum: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm3AdVwMMCqxshZUl-DuPcWmkYh6byxXH&si=1JNEybj_N1N2QeOI

Student Talks: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm3AdVwMMCqzWSVIgKWKiBTCK06G-XP9b&si=MOMweTaFpMJ2Osm0

Info sessions: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm3AdVwMMCqxyH3MCN_PjzuvwSHlu2F8D&si=-UKprY56Cudqk-1M



  • GL Gyöngyi Laufer
  • IP Iryna Pranovich
  • NS Nikita Semeniuk
  • MK Mohammad Karim
  • MA Maria Abbasi