On 26 January (Wednesday), at 5:00 PM CET, Sára Hungler holds the sixth lecture in the popular-scientific lecture series “What’s new in science” within the ELTE Alumni Academy. The lecture will be held in English.
The lecture series is organized by the International Alumni Chapter as part of the ELTE Alumni Academy. These are popular-scientific lectures, i.e., they are meant not only for the practitioners of the specific professional field but also for all citizens and international alumni of ELTE.

The first four lectures displayed the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic on education and learning. The four lectures of the second series focus on the current theme of the CENTRAL Network: “Central-Europe: what unites and divides us?” The title of the upcoming lecture is “Social Integration in the Visegrád Countries”. The session is going to be held by Dr Sára Hungler, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of ELTE.
To find out more about the event and sign up, visit the website of ELTE by clicking here!