Alumni from all over the world are invited to the International Alumni Meeting of Semmelweis University! Meet your old friends and professors from Hungary on the 17th and 18th May!
The time has come to visit again Semmelweis University, visit the beautiful capitol city of Hungary, Budapest and meet again with the old friends from university during the two-day, eventful meeting:
Date: 17-18, May
Venue: Budapest, Semmelweis University
About the program
The Alumni Meeting’s programme on the 1st day begins with an exciting roundtable discussion titled "Semmelweis: Back and now,". After lunch, the alumnis will have the chance to explore the university’s latest developments through guided tours of significant locations, including the Basic Medical Science Center, Anatomy Institute, Városmajor Clinical Centre and so on. The evening will culminate in a gala dinner at the Basic Medical Science Center (EOK), featuring live music and a welcome speech by Prof. Dr. Béla Merkely, the Rector of Semmelweis University. The second day offers cultural programs in Budapest. Alumnis can visit the iconic Buda Castle and the Semmelweis Museum, Library and Archive of the History of Medicine, before enjoying a Danube lunch cruise to wrap up the reunion with stunning views of the city’s landmarks and final discussions.
Participants costs
The event is free for alumni of Semmelweis University. If you bring friends with you, they need to buy guest tickets for themselves.
Why it is worth coming
The International Alumni Meeting offers the chance to reconnect with old friends and meet new people who share the same Semmelweis bond. It’s a great opportunity to return to your alma mater and witness how the university continues to shape the future of healthcare and medical education.
Further information:
For more details follow the event on Facebook: