A New Chapter in Hungary-Brazil Space Relations Unfold

In a successful series of meetings, Dr. László Bacsárdi, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of BME, laid the groundwork for enhanced collaboration between Hungary and Brazil in the field of space research. The talks, initiated by the Consulate General of São Paulo, covered a diverse range of topics, including space communications, Earth observation, and human spaceflight.

01 February 2024

The visit provided valuable insights into Brazil's space activities, fostering mutual understanding and identifying areas for collaboration. Discussions with Brazilian counterparts, including Dr. Ronne Toledo of the University of Brasilia, centred on collaboration in space education programs. 

A significant step forward is the organization of H-SPACE 2024, an international space conference at BME, with key figures like Dr Clezio Marcos de Nardin invited to share insights. This event serves as a platform for continued discussions and collaboration.

As the Hungarian-Brazilian space relations advance, these collaborative efforts hold promise for joint research initiatives, educational exchanges, and a strengthened partnership on the global space exploration stage.

Click here to read the interview with László Bacsárdi.

Cover photo @BME.hu