Happy Holidays!


The holidays are closer to us day by day and during this season, we wish you a relaxing break with lots of happiness and peace! Wishing you a beautiful holiday season and a new year of prosperity and great ideas!
Warmest thoughts and best wishes!

The Alumni Network Hungary Team and the International Alumni Volunteers

21 December 2022

*-* There’s no better time than the holiday season to give back to our community and spread some holiday cheer. As we celebrate the season and look forward to the New Year, let’s recommit to doing our part to build a world that is a little more generous, tolerant, and kind.
The Alumni Network Hungary provides an excellent opportunity for alumni members to mentor the next generation of leaders, innovators and game-changers. As a proud graduate, I welcome the opportunity to mentor students and graduates who are the next generation of engineering leaders.
As we spend time with those we love—in person or virtually—let us celebrate the blessings we cherish, embrace the spirit of giving, and look out for one another. From my family to yours, wishing you light and wonder during this holiday season. May the coming year bring us all joy and peace. Merry Christmas! Boldog Karácsonyt! 

Dr. Farzad Rayegani, P.Eng, FEC.
Senior Dean
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology (FAST)
Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning



 Wishing all of you a happy holiday season, full of health, happiness, love and a prosperous  2023. Thanks to Alumni Network Hungary for being that great network that has allowed us to create ideas, connect with others and spread our gratitude to the country that hosted us as students at some moment of our lives.

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*-*Greetings! As we move into and through this holiday season and new year, I would like to encourage Alumni Network Hungary members to gather their energies and reflect on the achievements and the challenges of the past year which we have faced, this is a moment of gratitude stemming from deep internal contemplation. This has truly been an extraordinary year for us and we have so much to celebrate. I would like to wish each one of you, your families and your friends very happy holidays.
With warmest wishes for a most joyous holiday season.

Patrick Theuri
School of Computer Science & IT
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology-Kenya