Join the next alumni meeting in Brazil, organized by the Hungarian Rectors' Conference and the Alumni Hungary Network. Share stories and memories, build your network.
Brazilian, but knows who Mikulás is, familiar with kakóscsiga, mastered 'Egészségetekre!', encountered pálinka (regretted or not), still wonders about the logic of the "tissue-issue" but definetely feels the importance of a weekend spent in Balaton. - Feels it describes you? Then you're apparently a Honorary Hungarian, as well :-)
Alumni of Hungarian universities! Let's meetup, share what we have become since we have last seen each other, remember the good old times and plan the future over a drink or two!
The more the merrier: dont be shy to bring a friend, we'll make them get a taste of Hungary ;-)
Join the event on Facebook:
Sziasztok! Até logo!
Av. Boulevard Castilho, 66010-150