Background and history of the corporation or institution
A HIDROFILT Kft.-t 1990 januárjában alapították magyar szakemberek víz és ipari szennyvízkezelési feladatok magas színvonalú megoldására. Az alapító tagok (egyben tulajdonosok) a rendszerváltás előtt az állami alapítású Nagykanizsai Finommechanikai Vállalatnál illetve annak jogutódainál voltak alkalmazásban. A Finommechanikai Vállalat a kis-közepes méretű víz és ipari szennyvízkezelő rendszerek kijelölt gyártója és szállítója volt Kelet-Európa területére. A gyárban 1600 fő dolgozott, amelyből mintegy 280 fő foglalkozott a vízkezelő rendszerek tervezésével és gyártásával. A Hidrofilt Kft tulajdonosi köre és a munkatársainak jelentős része ebben a cégben alapozta meg a szakmai gyakorlatát.
HIDROFILT Ltd. was founded in 1990 by Hungarian experts to offer high quality services in water and industrial wastewater treatment. Founders (current owners) were employees of the former state owned Nagykanizsa Fine-mechanical Company and its successors. This company was appointed as a manufacturer and supplier of small and medium scale water and industrial wastewater plants for Eastern Europe. There were 1600 people working in that plant out of which 280 people had been involved in the design and manufacture of water treatment plants. Technical background and skills of the owners and most of the fellow workers of Hidrofilt Ltd. had been established there.
HIDROFILT Ltd. was founded in 1990 by Hungarian experts to offer high quality services in water and industrial wastewater treatment. Founders (current owners) were employees of the former state owned Nagykanizsa Fine-mechanical Company and its successors. This company was appointed as a manufacturer and supplier of small and medium scale water and industrial wastewater plants for Eastern Europe. There were 1600 people working in that plant out of which 280 people had been involved in the design and manufacture of water treatment plants. Technical background and skills of the owners and most of the fellow workers of Hidrofilt Ltd. had been established there.