Students at university of Szeged may now receive two degrees at the same time

The University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and the University of Warsaw Faculty of Management signed a cooperation agreement on 4 October concerning the launch of a new double degree programme.

29 October 2018
University of Szeged and University of Warsaw

Pursuant to the agreement students of the International Economy and Business programme at the University of Szeged would be given the opportunity to complete the programme’s first year at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in Szeged before continuing with their second year at the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw, earning a degree from both institutions at the same time. The agreement including the details of the cooperation was signed by Dr. Beata Glinka, vice-dean of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw and Dr. Péter Kovács, dean of the University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

This double degree opportunity is open for students of both universities, covering 30-40 Hungarian and foreign students in each class.

At the end of the programme the students who receive both universities’ degree will be capable of finding new partners and encourage the creation of new international, economic and trade cooperations – explained Dr. Péter Kovács, the dean of the University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. So far, the Faculty of Economics had double degree agreements with universities in Pavia, Normandy and Hagen. With the current agreement the economics training programme of the University of Szeged has gained another highly respected foreign partner in the form of the University of Warsaw.


Source: University of Szeged, Faculty of Economy and Business

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