Pázmány Péter Catholic University Alumni from this institution JF Juan Fuentes Fernández JP Jeník Pikna SK Sam Khozama ÖÖ Övgü Özdemir AZ Asem Zear HM Hiyam Madarati 99 Contact person
Central European University Alumni from this institution RM Rashad Mehbaliyev SM Szilvia Molnár rm reagan masud FK FAIG KAZIMOV IC Istvan Csaki AK ANSAR KOKBAYEV 18 Contact person
Eszterházy Károly Catholic University Alumni from this institution GG Gunay Guluyeva EM Elijah Mutuku MH Majd Hammoudeh SA Soukaina Abbou SY Sibel Yiğit wS wassim Sahli 76 Contact person
University of Debrecen Alumni from this institution AS Ayaz Mukarram Shaikh AO Amaechi Odono KA Kieriboyegha Appi AO Adewale Oseni BW Benjamin Woode IK Immanuel Kambinda 2,379 Contact person
University of Szeged Alumni from this institution AB Amer Batshone NS Nadir Salmanov NB Nazrin Bakirova TS Tímea Schwimmer-Tóth BK Brigitta Korsós BA Boumediene Abdelbari 566 Contact person
Széchenyi István University Alumni from this institution DJ Daniela Jerves AH Anas Hawari EB Eszter Balogh SM Souhir Majdoub BA Bewar Arif AV Aayush Verma 313 Contact person
University of Pécs Alumni from this institution RK Rashid Kassana BK Bohdana Kokhanyuk YU YELDA ULUG AK Amir Khamis MA Modar Ali TB Theresa Baidoo 1,029 Contact person
National University of Public Service Alumni from this institution Pa Paiman ahmad HA Hakim Alasgarov AY Anastasiia Yezhova AK Azamat Koshimbayev VA Vivian Armah OP Olga Pavlova 78 Contact person
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary Alumni from this institution tk timea kristof MS Mirhadi Samidzada PP Patimat Pirnaeva AM Alexandra Makri PD Petar Dabanovic DG Derya Gumussu 42 Contact person
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Alumni from this institution GL Gyöngyi Laufer IP Iryna Pranovich RA RAWAN ABUKHAIRAN NS Nikita Semeniuk MK Mohammad Karim MA Maria Abbasi 1,467 Contact person